Tech Team Manager - Technician
Dylan, our Team Manager, is the longest running member of our tech team, having worked at Button 108 for over 7 years. He's an expert fixer of all things tech. He knows what you need, and you'd be a fool not to listen to him. Dylan is also a Youth Pastor and a dad!
Nathaniel has worked with Button 108 for over 3 years. You will no doubt work with him on any of your bigger projects. Outside of the office, you may see him on stage performing with his band, which is... Nothing Special.
CEO - Technician
Israel is the owner and founder of Button 108, a nerd who named his business after some old TV show where people had to push a button every 108 minutes to save the world. Obsessed with making things work and doing things he didn't know how to do before, Israel is the driving force behind the business. He's a pastor and a dad too!
Trey, the newest member of the tech team joined Button 108 in 2024. He studied computer science and development prior to jumping into the IT world head first.
Billing Rep
Tamara keeps us paid. Yes, that means she's our billing rep! She's in the office part time but also works from home helping us catch calls when things get busy. She's been working with us almost as long Dylan.
Graphic Designer
Victoria is the reason you see these posts online. She interned for Button 108 first in 2023 and now is working part time developing our marketing, designs, and publications. Reach out to Victoria if you want to enlist help designing training materials, brochures, social or web content.
Administrative Assistant
You might hear from Karen less than the rest of our team, but she's essential to what we do. With a history as an administrative assistant, she has helped make our office run more effectively, from billing to phone calls.